A Few Random Thoughts Before Transvulcania
Months of preparation have led to this moment. Tomorrow at 4:30 a.m. the bus leaves the hotel to take us to the now famous Faro de Fuencaliente. The Faro, a red and white striped lighthouse that has now become iconic as one of the most exciting starts in all of ultrarunning, will bid us (2500 runners in total) goodbye as we begin our voyage that is the Tansvulcania Ultramarathon. Ty Draney and I left home early Monday morning, and after almost 30 hours of travel, found ourselves in the lobby of the Princess Hotel on the shores of Isla de la Palma. It’s much hotter here than home, 85 degrees. We have spent the last few days previewing portions of the course, eating too much buffet food, and working on getting ready of jet-lag before the race. During the first run here on the island I jumped over a rock and miscalculated a step. I ended up landing with both feet on the edge of a very sharp rock right under the instep of my shoes. It caused immediate pain in my right foot that did not let up during the last couple of miles back to the hotel. Immediately I felt anger and regret, something so stupid could result in a complete waste of months of training and focus. It has happened to other runners and I felt bad for them. I was staring the same problem in the face. I spent the next several days being very cautious, icing, and applying topical creams, lotions, and potions. I had to believe that it would come around. Each day I was able to see dramatic improvement. Now, one day before the race and the pain is almost entirely gone- a hiccup along the way.
It is amazing to be in such an amazing place, surrounded by so many passionate athletes, and the world’s best, all getting ready to follow the same course over the volcano. I guess I am writing this mostly to keep my mind somewhat distracted. 14 hours from now after a short countdown the test will begin. Hopefully this year will go better than last.