Into the Vortex
The last month and a half has gone by faster than I could have imagined. Life, generally speaking has, been very, very busy. Many years ago when I started this blog I knew that one of the greatest challenges I would face would be balancing all of the different things I do. The last month balance has meant more time with family and at my work as a PA. I don't believe there is one perfect balance point as certain times, and situations demand a fluid approach.On October 20th we welcomed Anders Roch Nelson to our family. He arrived healthy and Tanae handled the birth like a pro. He has been such a cool addition to our clan, and his two older sisters are so psyched to have him around. They have both really stepped up as big sisters to help out around the house and with their brother.
A week after Ander's birth I hopped on a plane to Ventura bound for the Patagonia Global Ambassador Summit. I spent 4 days in Ventura with a group of the most talented athletes on the planet. It was a very amazing experience to be surrounded by many of my heroes and to now consider them friends. We surfed mushy waves with the Malloy brothers, top-roped with Lynn Hill, Hayden Kennedy, and Tommy Caldwell; we stayed up late, and got going early. I left the summit inspired to be a better athlete, person, and friend.
After the summit, I hunkered down at work. I have had an amazing year filled with travel and adventure. There was a bit of penance to be paid. Long days, heavy patient load, and tons of paperwork needed to be done. Mostly because of one more big trip this year.I found a few precious minutes to sit and write this as I await another Patagonia. An hour from now I will board a flight bound for Chile, via several stops and layovers. Sometime Sunday I, Jeff Browning, Krissy Moehl, and a crew of photogs, videogs, and support staff will set up a base camp in the Westwinds Campground in Conservacion Patagonica. We will spend the following 14 days running and documenting the amazing successes of the Tompkins as they have prepared this area to become a large national park. It is a part of the world that I have dreamt of visiting for a very long time. Right now, after years of scheming and prep, it feels very surreal that it is happening. I will have limited contact with the world while there, but hope that I can get out a couple of instagram pictures. There will be a video and lots of photos that will come of this trip, so there will certainly be more to come. For now, into the airport vortex.