Bear 100 Video

At the end of September I ran the Bear 100. It was only four weeks after completing Nolan's and frankly I was still wrecked. My training had consisted primarily of recovering from the monster effort at the first of the month, and I had only run 18 miles the entire month. Interestingly, I was not intimidated by going in to the race as many would consider ill prepared. Mentally I was on a different level than I had ever been before. The monumental effort it took to complete Nolan's re-calibrated what I knew I was capable of. I went in to the Bear with no expectations of racing a certain time or for a certain place. I simply wanted to finish the race so that I would have the appropriate Hardrock qualifier. Tanae and the kids came down to crew me during the race, for which I am extremely grateful and my friends at Jaybird came and made a film about it. I hope you enjoy:[embed][/embed]


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