Jaybird Earth day Video

I am fortunate to work with amazing companies. Often this relationship is referred to as sponsorship, but I do not think that is an accurate depiction of what we have in place. Sponsorship is too one sided. The companies I work with are my business partners. They invest in me as an athlete, and I work for them in various capacities. I work with them because of this relationship. All of the brands I work with engage I environmental activism and conservation. They use business to help protect the places we live, work, and play. This year Jaybird did a special edition earbud and donated the proceeds to the conservation alliance. I was part of the project and the following video was done to announce it. The limited edition ear buds are all sold out, but there will be other cool opportunities like this in the future.

Check out the video:https://youtu.be/9GX8Pck4P3A


Everyday Kit


Trying to Catch Up - Discrete Cirque Series Snowbird